Wednesday, August 7, 2013




In Texas, a CPS caseworker originally determined Alexandria needed to be removed from her parents’ custody due to her mother’s medical condition and their “actively engaging in illegal drug use around their child.” The illegal drug in question was marijuana.

“Mr. Hill admitted to smoking marijuana in the house when his daughter has been upstairs sleeping,” the caseworker representing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services noted in court records obtained by Infowars.
In an ironic twist, an investigation into Alexandria’s foster parents by KVUE News found that the foster father with whom Alexandria was placed in late 2012 not only likely used marijuana, but was also convicted of selling it – twice.
“Clemon Small is not charged in the death of 2 year old Alexandria Hill, but he has a criminal history that includes multiple marijuana drug charges and suspended driver’s licenses,” a report from KRXT states.
2-year-old Alexandria Hill, via Facebook
2-year-old Alexandria Hill, via Facebook
According to KVUE, Clemon was charged in 1989 and again in 1990 for “delivery of marijuana,” a crime which carries varying jail time depending on the amount of marijuana being delivered.
The foster father’s criminal background apparently did not bar his home from the Texas Mentor program’s potential foster parent roster.
“Despite the background,” KRXT wrote, “the Department of Family and Protective Services said minor drug charges 10 years old or older do not disqualify potential foster parents.”
This latest revelation adds an additional layer of culpability to the program that was in charge of vetting the foster parents, the Texas MENTOR program, as well as the legislative body which originally determined that living with her biological parents posed serious safety concerns.
It also doesn’t help that the mentor program’s standards are so low, according to its website, that “Just about anyone” can be a mentor.
Alexandria’s case should serve as a warning to parents who smoke marijuana that the state can use the non-violent and relatively harmless recreational activity as an excuse to confiscate children, placing them in facilities usually run for profit.
Just as Congress has exempted itself and its top aides from Obamacare, and just as lawmakers are being issued license plates that allow them to thwart traffic cameras to thus avoid fines, CPS and its foster care agency are above scrutiny and will escape prosecution for their dubious choice of foster parents as well as their initial decision to remove Alexandria from her parents.
Despite an immensely spotty track record, the state continues to arbitrarily insert itself into the lives of families, then exempts itself from liability if something should happen.
Sadly, Alexandria is only one out of literally thousands of children who have had to suffer as a result of the CPS system failing miserably.

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