Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Many US voters anticipated and feared that a Trump presidency would be a disaster, and could readily sense, from it's very beginning, that his reign would be a very troubled one for the nation.  When he began forming his Administration with Cabinet Secretaries and other top officials chosen with the express intent of dismantling everything the Obama Administration had set in motion, not just revise specific things that experience showed needed some adjustment, it was obvious to many that the nation was in for a rough ride. Few, however, anticipated just how bad it would become. With the current moral and human atrocities now taking place on our southern border, with children being separated from their parents in callous disregard for their well-being, in Trump's hastily announced "zero tolerance" approach to dealing with asylum seekers crossing the border without papers, it is abundantly clear that the Trump administration has irrevocably crossed the line. His Administration is morally bankrupt, his election a monstrous mistake, one that it may take the nation decades, if ever, to recover from. For Trump, the month of June 2018, may well live on, in painful, lingering infamy, for our nation and for the world.

Trump has shown an amazing ability to survive through multiple misdeeds and outrageous behaviors during both his election campaigning and the first year and a half of his presidency.  His insulting attacks on rivals, his demeaning, sexist behaviors towards women, his appointment of administration officials that have turned the White House into a veritable Den of Vipers, Liars, and Thieves (making other historical references to such terminology seem like minor offenses in comparison), his embrace of racists and white supremists as if that kind of ideation is still officially acceptable in the United States, his rejecting and insulting our primary, longstanding international allies one day, then showing a willingness to embrace dictators who have been threatening destruction on our nation and our allies on the next day.  The list of his offensive behaviors could go on, his disparaging of the Never Again movement, ignoring the pleas of high school students to do something about the easy accessibility of assault weapons that has turned too many schools into shooting grounds,  an incident occurring at a rate of approximately one per week during his presidency. His mocking of the Me Too movement, not taking seriously that many women have a serious issue with having been violated by males in our society, whether in the form of sexual abuse, harassment, or disadvantageous employment or financial opportunity.  Trump has somehow survived all of his outrageous offenses, through deflection, counterattacks, or distracting the attention of the nation to his next outrage, which will consume media attention for a period of time, allow the energy and momentum of previous protest movements to dissipate, and soon yet another outrage will be emitted by the White House, media attention again shifts, and on the process goes. Its been that way for a year and half, that's life with Trump, the guy who believes, and I quote, that "conflict is good".

Its a tough call to judge what is worse, what Trump has done so far, or what he hasn't done, the nation's myriad problems that are laying dormant, that he's not dealing with. What he has done is given the nation an absolutely terrible role model as a leader, one who vents anger freely, attacks, divides, is unthinking and heartless in considering the consequences of his actions. Our nation's political divisions are greater than ever, with no middle ground, no end in sight. Our position as a reliable leader of nations in the free world has been uprooted, we still have the power, but have seriously compromised our working relationship with our allies, and Trump is not one to make amends, only to cajole and attempt to exert power.

 Trump has destroyed numerous domestic programs that served real needs, what he hasn't done is provide any creative problem solving on how to replace what he has dismantled. The major tax cut bill he signed will lead to massive deficits in future budgets, that only voodoo economics believes will be offset by revenue gains.  The government's ability to fund needed infrastructure repair and development is at risk, as are the funds for both mandated and other needed social service spending. Environmental Protection regulations are being eliminated, as are consumer financial protection regulations. The ravages of climate change are not being addressed, not even being acknowledged as real.  In financial matters, its "let the buyer beware", and "let corporations, and those with wealth, make all the money they can, by hook or by crook".  That's how Trump made his money, why shouldn't it work for the government?  Its not really America First that Trump proclaims, its Me First.  Forget the greater good, the consideration of All, the truth of real fact, and of Science. Trump has been labeled by some as a malignant narcissist, and he is governing like one.  He is the law, he determines fact and truth, and his narcissism spreads and effects those around him, and threatens to infect the nation.

Will Trump survive the current uproar of June 2018, as he has survived his past misdeeds?  Or will the outcome this time somehow be different?  Will enough Republicans in Congress be offended by  the obvious heartless child abuse that is involved in the child-family separation that is going on at our borders that they will rise up and demand change?  Holding children hostage as leverage to obtain funding for his stupid Wall! Come on! A majority of the nation is outraged, ashamed to see our nation violate accepted humane standards so cruelly, but will their offense last, or again blow over with the passage of time?  Trump has been able to rely on the support of "His People", the 25 to 35% of Americans who seem to have a cult-like capacity to support whatever he does.  Will some of this group begin to fall away from their omnipotent one?  For the children, and for the nation, for all of us, let's hope this particular policy is changed by the time this commentary is read.  But our nation is severely at risk with a man like Donald J. Trump as President. What will his next induced crisis be, his next power play, his next outburst of anger or retaliation for a perceived political slight or failure? Let's hope its not North Korea, if his bromance with Kim fails, or China, or Iran. His list of targets is extensive, and they won't all be children. He does hold the power, the Button is in his hands. Our nation spent decades containing a foreign enemy. Now a policy of containment is again necessary, this time unfortunately for a power that resides in the White House.