Saturday, October 26, 2019


                                      INTRODUCTION TO COMMENTARIES

The 21st Century began with a great deal of optimism in the United States.  The nation was alone as the sole superpower in the world, the Soviet Union had collapsed a decade earlier, and no other country now rivaled its overwhelming military and economic strength.  The nation had survived an extremely close, contentious election that was essentially decided by the Supreme Court, and a new administration assumed office without further dissention. The optimism and clear sailing was not to last long, however. The al Qaeda attacks of 9-11 woke the nation up fully to the viciousness of the long-smoldering resentment and hatred that had been breeding in the Middle East for decades, in fact for centuries, as a result of foreign domination, leading to gross inequality and sectarian rivalries that had escalated and often been reinforced by foreign meddling that continued as a carryover from the earlier centuries of Western Colonialism.  The US had obviously underplayed the seriousness of this resentment, and Middle Eastern terrorists unleashed the full venom of their hatred against our country, as the leader, and strongest, of the Western nations seen as so oppressive. To make matters in the Middle East worse, the new Bush-Cheney administration gravely miscalculated their power to mold Middle East realities to their desires, deciding to attack and overthrow the government of Iraq, which had not been involved in the al Qaeda attacks.  This warfare further destabilized the Middle East, added to anti-Western hostility, and triggered the later creation of ISIS from disaffected Iraqis and others wanting to rid the region of Western influence.

As if our Middle East problems were not enough, the US economy collapsed in 2008, wealth creation and property values having risen excessively during the past two decades of economic boom and unpaid-for military spending in the Middle East. The US economic collapse quickly spread to consume much of the world economy, as some banks failed, jobs were lost, and businesses closed.  In this context, Barack Obama was elected president, offering real change, hope, a positive vision for a better, brighter future for a nation in need of change. Almost immediately, however, his Republican opposition in Congress, led by Mitch McConnell, vowed to ensure that the optimistic endeavors of the Obama administration would fail, and a pattern of gridlock and stalemate developed in Congress that, after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, doomed many of its desires for the nation.  The economy did gradually begin to recover, limited however by the harsh reality that most of the recovery benefits were effecting  corporations and the more wealthy among the population, not extending down fully to help the middle and lower income groups recover.  The nation stayed enmeshed in the Middle East, with Iraq and Afghanistan torn by sectarian rivalries necessitating continued US presence, ISIS developing into an even more potent anti-western terrorist organization, Iran's desire to join its rival Israel in possessing nuclear power, and the Palestinians need for a viable homeland on the West Bank all problems remaining unresolved.

 In this context, Obama was reelected president in 2012, setting the stage for the writing of these commentaries. They were written by Bill Hessell, PhD, a retired clinical psychologist with a life-long interest in politics, world history,and international relations, with a special interest in conflict resolution as applied to interpersonal relationships and to foreign affairs. The commentaries were written between 2013 and 2019 for posting on the political blogsite,, managed by a friend, Keith Shirey.  They remain available on that site, and are reprinted here for ready accessibility as a collection. They give, then, one person's perception of some of the very key events and developments during this very seminal, critical period of time in our nation's political history.

Friday, October 25, 2019


                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

Post #                                                                                                                                            Page #

  1.         The Plague of Corporate Political Sponsorship

  2.         America's Lingering Wild West Mentality
 3.           Political Gridlock:  A Sign of a Nation In Distress

 4.           America's Wild West Past is Part of Our Foreign Policy

 5.           Reagan's Betrayal of the Middle Class Comes to Full Fruition

 6.           Obama -- From Audacity to Acquiescence

 7.           America's Changing World Image:  Some do Hate Us

 8.           Who Speaks for America's Youth?

 9.            The High Cost of Excessive Income Inequity

10.            The Greatest Threats Facing the US Are Not External Enemies, Not ISIS,
                        but Major Internal Dysfunctions

11.           US Fails in Roll as World Diplomatic Leader

12.            A Nation In Search of Its Moral Compass

13.            Consumed by Fear and Dysfunction:  A Great Nation Losing Influence
                        and Credibility

14.            Netanyahu's Speech Arrogant, Insulting, Full of Lies

15.            The Ukrainian Conundrum

16.             Wake Up America:  A Complacent Nation Sleepwalks Into Danger

17.              Charlie Wilson's War Revisited:  When the US Supported Jihadists and
                         the Precursors to Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS

18.              The Neocons Reemerge:  Endless Warfare Threatened by Their Illusions
                          of World Domination

19.               Punished for Extraordinary Courage:  America's "Reward" For Four
                           Exceptional Citizens

20.               Political Game-Playing and Hypocrisy: Our Middle Class and Foreign
                            Policy Suffer

21.              The Shameless, Unmitigated Gall of Dick Cheney

22.              The Obama Enigma:  Moments of Enlightened Leadership, Months of
                            Less Impressive Posturing

23.              Our Nation's Failing Mental Health System:  Do Our Politicians Really Care?

24.              The Iran Nuclear Treaty:   Our Best Chance 1) to Begin a True Middle East
                            Peace Process and 2) to Finally Reject the Policies and People Who
                            Brought Us the Disastrous Iraqi War

25.               The GOP's Top Ten To Do List:  No Wonder Congress is So Unpopular

26.               America's Obsession with Trump:  A Rude Wake Up Call for Us All

27.               Combatting ISIS:  Is the US Losing An Opportunity to Foster A Broad
                            Coalition In This Common Cause?

28.              America's Angry:  The Voting Public is Letting the Establishment Know
                           Their Anger Is For Real

30.               The Nation's Political Divide Becomes a Huge Chasm: No Relief in Sight

31.              Threat and Reality of Foreign Wars and Domestic Violence Grow:  Does
                          Anyone Really Care?

32.               It's The Party of Trump Versus the Rest of Us: The Self-Destruction of
                            the Republican Party

33.               An Election Like No Other:  There Will Be No Real Winners This Time

34.                How Long, Oh How Long, Will This Trump Nightmare Last?

35.               An Eclipse Falls Over America:  The Long, Dark Shadow of Donald Trump

36.              America is Standing At The Crossroads:  Which Way USA?

37.               Deviant Donald and the Destruction of the American Dream

38.              The Reign and Rage of Trump:  Our Nation and the World At Great Risk

39.              Trump is Hellbent for Conflict and War:  Time for the Public to Say
                           "You're Fired!"

40.              The GOP's Lost Soul:  Sold Out to the Highest Donor and the Lowest Instincts

41.              Trump, the NRA, and Our Escalation Into a Violent-Prone Society

42.               The Trump Presidency: A Monstrous Moral and Political Mistake

43.               Trumpland:  Doesn't Integrity Matter Anymore?

44.               A Dark Cloud Descends Over America:  The 21st Century Decline of a
                             Great Nation