Wednesday, February 12, 2014



Keith --

I hope Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is paying attention: 182,894 DFA and CREDO Action members have signed our petition asking her to take a firm stance against authorizing "fast track trade authority" to rush the passage of bad trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The battle over the biggest international corporate giveaway of all time is coming down to what happens in the House, and we can't let up one bit. The New Democrat Coalition -- a group of corporatist House Democrats -- are putting immense pressure on fellow members to support Fast Track and the TPP. That's why the position Rep. Pelosi takes is pivotal to the outcome..

On Thursday, Democratic congressmembers will attend the House Democratic Issues Conference -- a meeting in which legislative priorities for the coming year will be discussed and decided. With 24 hours to go before the event, our friends at CREDO are making calls today to New Democrat Coalition congressmembers to let them know their constituents don't want the TPP on that list of priorities.

Meanwhile, DFA members are making calls into Nancy Pelosi's offices to ask her to come out and lead the fight against Fast Track and the TPP at this meeting.

Will you call Minority Leader Pelosi and ask her to take a stand against Fast Track and the TPP now?

Yes, I'll call.

No, but I can contribute $3 right now to help DFA defeat Fast Track and the TPP.

Progressives have an enormous amount of momentum in this fight for fairer trade policies. Pro-corporate lobbyists can't deny the catastrophic legacy of NAFTA, with its growing trade deficits and millions of lost jobs. Voters who are already struggling to navigate a difficult economy don't want to see another bad trade deal pass -- more than 60% say they oppose the TPP. In an election year, numbers like that can make even the safest congressmember nervous.

Right now, the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party can score a big win for working families by killing Fast Track and the TPP. We just need Minority Leader Pelosi to stand up and demand fair trade that works for all Americans, not just the 1%.

Will you call Rep. Pelosi and tell her to stand with us in opposition to Fast Track and the TPP?

Yes, I'll call.

No, but I will donate $3 today to help DFA defeat the TPP.

Thank you for speaking out,


Karli Wallace, Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America

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