Tuesday, March 19, 2013



"We’ve got a messaging problem here in America.
After the verdict in the Steubenville rape case was announced (guilty; minimum of one year, possible incarceration until they’re 21), reactions were swift. As expected, the families of the defendants were crushed, one of the defendants, Ma’lik Richmond, appeared authentically remorseful (oh, would he have had those feelings before he raped and publicly shamed a drunk girl!), the town likely felt a mix of relief, regret and revulsion, and the girl probably felt vindicated.
The greater public reaction was oddly skewed, however. In a nutshell, rather than soberly acknowledge that justice had been served and the message that raping a drunk teen will never be excusable in any court – legal or moral – CNN’s Candy Crowely started the media conversation by commiserating with remote reporter, Poppy Harlow, that 'those poor boys’ lives are ruined.' ”
CNN was not the only “rape apologist” out there in America. The Raw Story ran a piece on the issue:
  1. Writer Lee Stranahan on Breitbart.com prattled that “the town’s the real victim here“…
  2. Author/blogger Michael Crooke’s blog, Travesty of justice in Steubenville detailed how the victim “whined” that she was “embarrassed and scared” when, according to Crooke, she damn well needs to “examine her role” in perpetrating her own rape.
  3. The Trolls on Twitter:  It’s beyond repulsive that the trolls are now tweeting death threats and calling her a “whore.” America the beautiful.