We will not accept Donald Trump's bigotry, homophobia, sexism, racism, xenophobia, authoritarianism, ignorance and stupidity. Already our democratic republic has been replaced by oligarchy. What next, outright fascism? As our articles will show, Trump is following the path of Adolf Hitler as a passive, confused media grovels for access.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Re: our new Defense Secretary's statement in Afghanistan that he is there to find out more about why we are there, What!!!! I give Hagel credit for being a reasonably intelligent, well-informed, qualified person to be in his position. I take the statement more as an honest appraisal of our government's confusion about what our mission has been, and is continuing to be, in Afghanistan. We are going on 12 years of warfare there, the longest war in which the US has ever been engaged. And it is clearly less than clear why we are still there, and what we have a reasonable expectation of accomplishing by the time we leave. Astonishing! If not totally repugnant!! Good luck Chuck Hagel. Hope you figure out something soon, which has left others scratching their heads in bewilderment for the past 11 years. Hope we find a way to leave immediately. Both Hagel and Kerry served in Vietnam, they should remember. Not one more of our soldiers should be lost in an endeavor so misguided.