Rush Says Russia's Ban On Gay Olympians Is "Key Element" For Population Growth
Limbaugh: Effects Of Feminism And Homosexuality Hinder Economic Growth And National Power
Rush Limbaugh concocted a bizarre theory during a rant against feminism and homosexuality, arguing that Russia's ban on gay athletes at the Olympics somehow stems from a desire for population growth and a backlash against an allegedly feminist belief that children represent "an albatross" to independence.
On his August 7 broadcast, Limbaugh read from a Buzzfeed post on "Why Russia Turned Against The Gays," which cited a Russian lawmaker saying the country's new ban on the "propaganda" of same-sex relationships -- a growing international controversy due to Russia hosting the 2014 Olympic games -- is needed in part to resolve a "demographic crisis." Limbaugh ran with the idea, suggesting that homosexuality is a threat to a nation's economic power.
Limbaugh professed that America's population boom at the nation's founding contributed to our status as a superpower, and that Russia needs its own population boom to regain a similar status. According to Limbaugh, that is the purpose of Russia's homophobic laws: "Whether they will admit it or not," the desire for population growth "is one of the reasons why there is this movement against homosexuality. It does not procreate. And the Russians need people," he explained, because "it's a key element when discussing the economic growth and the power of any country."
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