Most here saw the Tea Party assholes for what they were long ago.  Well, they showed up without their Klan hoods to show themselves to the world at President Obama's speech in Arizona:
Obama foes at one point sang, "Bye Bye Black Sheep," a derogatory reference to the president's skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying,"Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"
Many on both sides wore red, white and blue and carried small flags.
“He needs to go back to where he came from because obviously, he is a liar,” she said. “I am not racist. I am part Indian. Obama’s half Black, half White.”
He’s 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident who said that he and his son served as Marines and his grandson is currently serving in the Marines.
“We have gone back so many years,” she said. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”
Arizona Republic
This is today's Republicans.  Bunch of fucking ignorant bigots.  
I'm proud to have voted for Barack Obama.
Update I:  Went to a baseball game right after I wrote this (Unfortunately the Dodgers are kicking the Cards asses tonight).  Arizona Blue had sent me some links to other diaries on this several hours ago.  Here they are for your reading pleasure: