From Sharod Brown
Dear Friend,
Social Security isn’t a handout. It isn’t “pork-barrel” spending. It isn’t a driver of our deficit or the national debt.
Social Security is a promise, one that each generation keeps for the one that came before and makes anew to the next.
And “chained CPI” -- a change in the way Social Security benefits are calculated -- represents a threat to that promise.
We need to show that we’re committed to protecting Social Security -- with no cuts.
Will you help me do that by signing a petition to oppose chained CPI?
If chained CPI passes, seniors and those who rely on Social Security -- nearly 300,000 Ohioans in all -- will need to make up the difference. Even as their living costs grow, their Social Security benefits wouldn’t keep pace.
Chained CPI isn’t a plan to reduce the deficit. It isn’t a plan to protect our seniors. It’s a plan to weaken the promise that spans generations. It’s a bad idea, plain and simple.
I know that President Obama is hoping this change will attract Republicans to the bargaining table. But we can’t let them win a concession like this without a fight. We have to stand strong and raise our voices in opposition to any benefit cut to Social Security -- no matter what they call it.
Please click here to sign this petition and let’s protect Social Security together!
Thank you for your activism -- and helping to protect the promise of Social Security.
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