Right-Wing 'News' Outlet: 'Obamacare Just Killed its Millionth Person'
An email sent from Charisma media, a Pentecostal media company, brings the “news” that Obamacare has killed its millionth person. Amazingly, this milestone was reached even before health care reform has been fully implemented. The claimis not documented or explained in any way. It seems to be mostly an attention-grabbing way to promote some right-wing hucksterism. Here’s how the letter starts:
Obamacare Just Killed its Millionth Person...
Dear Concerned Citizen,
The eleventh hour is upon us.
In the coming weeks, the full impact of Obamacare will take effect.
I've seen what's coming and it's scary. It's a lethal dose of socialism being injected directly into the heart of the American health insurance market.
Heck, it's already wreaking havoc. By our estimates, Obamacare has already killed a million people by further straining an already weak healthcare system.
The letter pitches an anti-Obamacare petition and promotes “Capitol Hill Daily,” an electronic publication launched this year. Capitol Hill Daily’s “Chief Political Analyst” is right-wing activist Floyd Brown, a co-founder of Citizens United and infamous as the political operative behind the Willie Horton ad deployed against Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential race.