Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I've been debating Susan ( last name withheld, don't want to out her) for 2 years on Facebook.  I think this is a typical exchange, although i may be bragging a bit.    

The following post was sent to me by Susan:

“Dear Keith-- Thousands of real scientists dissent.

RESPONSE TO SUSAN:  1)  YOU TRY TO MISLEAD THE READER WITH YOUR PHONEY HEADLINE.    The article you cite says 1,000  scientists, not thousands
2.)  You state that these are real scientists.  But. In looking over the list provided by Climate Depot , your source, many of these people are outside their fields of expertise.   3)  According to popular science 98 % of climate scientists writing about man made climate change today believe in a human component in global warming:  4)  You are using a sleazy, discredited organization. Climate Depot, as the source of your information. Marc Morano, who runs the site and once declared that climate scientists “deserve to be publicly flogged,” and occasionally publishes the e-mail addresses of climate researchers, a stunt that can result in scientists receiving a flood of vitriolic messages. 

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