Monday, July 1, 2013



Thank you, Wendy Davis

No matter what happens in Texas' special session today, we want to thank state Sen. Wendy Davis for standing up -- literally -- for women's reproductive rights.
Last week, Davis filibustered for nearly 12 hours to stop an abortion regulation that would have closed most of Texas' clinics. Thousands of supporters rallied along with Davis, sending a clear message that SB5 was harmful to the women of Texas.
But Gov. Rick Perry refused to listen and called a special session, attempting to negate Davis' filibuster and get the legislation passed, even though thousands of you wrote to him and tweeted at him with #PissedAtPerry.
We couldn't stop Perry from calling another special session, but we can stand with Wendy as she goes into the State Capitol.  
Sign our thank you card now to let Davis know how much we appreciate her courageous action.

Dear Sen. Davis,

Thank you for standing up -- literally -- for women's reproductive rights. Your courageous filibuster not only stalled incredibly harmful legislation, but galvanized an entire nation of pro-choice advocates.

I stand with you. I am proud to be on your team.


1325 total signers.

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