Monday, November 25, 2013



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Health Care Spending Flattens Since Passage of "Obamacare," Corporate Media Fail to Notice

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Headlined to H1 11/24/13
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Admin cites "smallest cost growth over three-year period in U.S. history"

Image by Think Progress

Let's keep this a secret from the U.S. corporate media, but, as Sy Mukherjee and Andrew Breiner note at ThinkProgress...
"On Wednesday, the new head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers released a bombshell report finding that U.S. health care spending since 2010 has increased by just 1.3 percent -- the smallest cost growth over a three-year period in American history -- while prices in the health care sector rose by 50-year lows, thanks in part to structural changes made by the Affordable Care Act. But most media outlets ignored that story, instead choosing to focus on ongoing glitches with the website."According to a ThinkProgress analysis, English-language online and print media published about 10 times as many pieces on the troubles with the Obamacare site than they did on the new health care spending report."
They go on to explain that analyst opinion remains mixed, at the moment, as to the extent of the Affordable Care Act's influence on the "remarkable slowdown in health spending" since the bill's passage in 2010, but that "savings from the ACA's hospital payment reforms" and "more efficient and collaborative care models" as "encouraged by Obamacare" are among the factors...
Please go to The BRAD BLOG to read the rest of this story.

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