Wednesday, November 6, 2013



I'm a survivor of the mass shooting at Virginia Tech, and I wanted to share a short message with you about something remarkable that happened in my home state this week.

Please take a minute to watch and share this message about defeating the NRA's extreme tactics in their own backyard:
Tuesday was the first full statewide election since Newtown, and in Virginia we saw a victory for common-sense laws that protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners and keep firearms out of dangerous hands. Even though the gun lobby aggressively supported candidates who opposed background checks and other common sense reforms, many of their candidates, including those for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, were soundly defeated.

The extreme tactics of the NRA didn't work in a state with a strong tradition of gun ownership. And the results are proof that voters want to elect leaders who will make preventing gun violence a top priority. The people of Virginia stood up for candidates who opposed the NRA's political operation and backed a better background check system -- something 74 percent of NRA members want, too.

Watch this short update, and share it with your family and friends to let them know that there's a serious shift underway:

Thanks for watching,

Colin Goddard
Mayors Against Illegal Guns


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