Friday, November 8, 2013



A nuclear-armed Iran would be a critical threat to the US, Israel, and global security.
That's why we welcome reports of recent days' progress in Geneva toward an agreement with Iran to begin freezing and rolling back its program.
And it's also why reports that some in the Senate are considering moving a new round of sanctions legislation seems ill-timed and unhelpful.
Tell Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer that you support diplomacy to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and urge the Senate to take a time-out from moving ahead with new sanctions.
Just last week, the White House asked groups that have been promoting sanctions on Iran to hold off on promoting another round. The goal of sanctions has always been to bring Iran to the table, and ultimately to achieve a diplomatic agreement that ensures it does not develop a nuclear weapon.
With that goal now in sight, it seems some are having a tough time taking yes for an answer.
Even though 62% of American Jews support the way President Obama is handling Iran’s nuclear program, some Jewish communal organizations have rejected his appeal to let the negotiations continue, and are pushing full steam ahead for new and harsher penalties against Iran.
We’re not about to let that happen.  There will be plenty of time to impose further sanctions should it again be necessary.
Tell Sens. Feinstein and Boxer that now's not the time for a new round of sanctions. Let's give diplomacy time.
Thank you for making your voice heard.
Dylan Williams
J Street Director of of Government Affairs
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