Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Dear Friend,

There’s a big debate going on in Washington over how to solve our deficit problem -- and that can only mean one thing.

Someone’s about to suggest cutting Social Security.

It happens every time. Instead of coming up with ideas on how to target wasteful spending or close tax loopholes that aren’t growing the economy, Washington politicians inevitably blame Social Security for our deficit -- and try to slash benefits as a way to solving it.

We can’t let them do it. Click here to sign my petition and tell Washington: Don’t cut Social Security!
Here’s the truth: Social Security didn’t cause our deficit. The only thing it’s caused is economic security for American seniors -- half of whom rely on Social Security for the majority of their income, and a third of whom have practically no income other than Social Security.

I want a real plan to deal with the deficit -- one that’s balanced (in that it includes both a serious approach to cutting spending and new revenues), one that grows the economy, and one that’s fair to middle-class families and seniors.

In other words: A plan that doesn’t cut Social Security for no good reason.

Join me in telling Washington not to cut Social Security -- click here to sign my petition!

We’ve heard a lot of talk about the deficit. I’m hoping that, this time, we can see some real action. But I’m committed to making sure that action doesn’t cut Social Security. And I’m going to need your voice in this fight.

Click here to sign the petition!



P.S.: You might have heard me talk about how Social Security benefits were critical to helping my wife’s family make it after her dad died when Franni was just 17 months old. And I bet a lot of families have a similar story. That’s why we need to stop Washington politicians from cutting it: Click here to sign the petition and protect Social Security!

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