Friday, November 1, 2013



Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison put it best, Keith. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the "largest corporate power grab you never heard of."
If the Trans-Pacific Partnership is approved, American workers will be forced to compete with workers in countries like Vietnam, with a minimum wage of 25 cents an hour. It’s not just manufacturing jobs that are at risk – multinational corporations will happily auction off information technology and tech support jobs to the lowest bidder.
Negotiators are seeking "fast track" authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which blocks any changes or amendments to the trade deal and only allows for an "up or down" vote by Congress.
Stopping fast track is the only real way to change the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Last week, CWA President Larry Cohen joined Ed Schultz on his TV show to talk about the problems with the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Click here to check out the video, then write to your members of Congress to make sure they stand up for workers and against fast track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Watch the video!
Under the TPP, "Buy America" policies, call center legislation to keep good jobs here and stop taxpayer handouts to companies that offshore jobs, environmental standards, and even public health efforts would be disallowed or dramatically weakened.
Because of the far-reaching effects of this agreement, we are not alone in this fight. Other unions, environmental activists, consumer and citizen action organizations, public health groups, and people of faith all are working for changes in or rejection of this deal. Over 145 members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter opposing fast track for the TPP.
We can win against the corporations who stand to benefit from the TPP, but only if each one of us makes our voice heard.
Click here to make your voice heard today.
In Unity,
Beth Allen
Beth Allen
Online Communications Director

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