Monday, November 25, 2013



JSwift News Service

Published Nov. 24, 2013

New York—At a press conference today Walmart spokesman Scott A. Reid faced hostile questions from gathered reporters.  The press were called so that  Mr. Reid could justify the  U.S. retailers refusal  to aid factory victims in Bangladesh by participating in an international compensation fund.

In its refusal, Walmart  joined Sears, Children’s Place and other companies , who sold goods produced in Tareen or Rena Plaza  where 1,200 garment workers died in fires and a building collapse.  Some 1,800 workers were injured, some still in hospitals.

At the beginning of the press conferece the Walmart spokesman was asked why his company wouldn’t pay for medical care for those who are paralyzed, severely burned or otherwise badly injured.  “Why not compensate the widows and orphans of the dead.?  After all, it is reported that some of them are starving,”  quiered the newsman. The reporter then pointed out that the Tazreen fire occurred in a factory dwhere 55% of the production was for Walmart contractors.

Mr. Reid responded, “We look to the future.  It is a time to begin anew, let the healing begin.  Our focus is to positively impact global supply chain practices.”
When another reporter suggested that  the question had not been answered.  Mr. Reid objected and said that it had.  Not satisfied, the newswoman  accused Walmart of an astonishing lack of responsibility and pointed out that other retailers , such as Penmart, were contributing to the compensation fund.

The spokesman for Walmart  replied that aiding the victims would be the beginning of a “slippery slope.”

 “If Walmart gives financial relief to the victims, that will only embolden workers to demand safer working conditions in Bangladeshi factories.  If we have to provide fire escapes, unblocked doors, pay for safety inspections  and that sort of thing the cost will just be passed onto the American consumer.  We don’t want that, ” stated Mr. Reid.

Next, when a reporter from the Associated Press asked Mr. Reid if Walmart would have built ovens for Nazi concentration camps if the profits were high enough  Reid lost control.

“My grandfather fought in World War Two,” he said.  “He was  part of America’s greatest generation.  You are disparaging his memory.”

Then Reid, flushed with anger, descended from the podium and walked menacingly toward the reporter.  The man from the Associated Press covered his head but Reid struck a powerful body blow doubling him up.

Mr. Reid was escorted from the building by security guards as he wildly  kicked, emited a piercing cry and shouted “God bless the United States of America.”

Walmart is the largest retailer in the U.S.

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