Sunday, November 24, 2013



Watch "The Five" of Fox News - Best Black-Comedy on CablePrintE-mail
Written by Jeff Koopersmith   
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Jeff Koopersmith reviews FOX News Channel's panel show featuring five "hip" lunatics.

Have you been on the East Coast and accidently turned on Roger Ailes/FoxNews "hit" show - THE FIVE?
If you haven't, you're in for a shock.  Here are four or five of the most bought-off, ill-prepared, ill-termpered, ultra right wing fruitcakes the nation has ever seen widely on television.  What's more frightening is that at least one of The Five is Bob Beckel, a onetime illustrious Democrat campaign genius who had the gall to write a book that no one ever read with co-author and  queen of right wing hate Cal Thomas.  Bob must love money because he's certainly sold himself to Roger Ailes and his appearances on the program have altered his mind.  I would like to think that Beckel has been threatened unless he backed away from arguing with the three pinnacles of idiocy on The Five - the most ignorant, Eric Bolling whose claim to fame is one of the group on Wall Street that took out the economy and his former career as a third rate baseball player who never made it to the "show".  Bolling - to prove he's an avarice-filled guy flashes his $30 thousand solid gold Rolex (or is it a copy?) to make the wannabees that live on a Fox News diet "respect" him.  
Added to Bolling and Beckel are two shrieking mee-mees called Kimberly Guilfoyle, who screams over the rest of the group along with Andrea Tantaros, both of whom follow the Fox dress code - with Kimberly in the lead wearing the most outrageous higher-than-high heels and dresses shorter than monokinis.  Andrea is a kind of girl-next-door knock out until she opens her mouth and reveals her kind of fishwife persona.  Both women - although pros at doing their snow jobs on Barack Obama seem incredibly unprepared for intelligent discussions and are instead eager to mock anything not "American enough" for their tastes - which are tastes that mock the lower middle class in the extreme.
The most disappointing of all is the lovely Dana Perino who spent a short time as George W. Bush's press maven.  One need only to listen to her carefully to realize a lot of W.'s bad press at the end of his terms must have been her doing. She seems to be on The Five only to block any negative comments about the former President or tout her own wonderfulness and love of dogs which no one should fault her on. What she's doing on Fox television is beyond comprehension until one realizes that is must have been her only choice. She is quick to anger when someone blames Bush for the economy claiming that Obama has had several years to repair that damage.  See what I mean?
Bolling must have made some made some great "trades" on Wall Street for Aisles and/or company because no one could be more inappropriate than he to have air-able opinions on American or World politics.  He's a kind of better looking Dean Martin - but not as smart.  Yet somehow it appears that he and Dana Perino are duking it out for the lead position of The Five.  Perino will win if she can stand being there just a little longer.
Last but not least is the once comical Greg Gutfeld, a sad and hateful fellow who spend much time preparing long-winded solo opinion-ogs that sound like they are written by someone in junior high school. Greg is much better on the 3 A.M. throwaway show Fox gives him to fill in their inexhaustible supply of re-runs from such goobers as Sean Hannity et al.  Greg hosts the show "Red Eye" which I do find entertaining until he brings on low-level right wing troublemakers to prove his loyalty to Mr. Aisles.  And in a sense.....Gutfeld is the most intelligent of the The Five.  He appears uncomfortable as a reincarnation of Himmler or Goering.  So give him some slack - And you members of the Five - you idiots - stop making fun of his stature, he didn't make himself short.
The most dangerous of the crowd is Bolling.  His hair-raising arrogance, mixed with his ultimate stupidity must surely fool the rednecks and Alzheimer-plagued - the majority of whom suck at the fascist teat of Fox News.  He is the perfect example of dirty oil rising to the top and totally without merit.  His only appealing feature is his love for his progeny which is somehow disturbing as well inasmuch as he continues to bring up his son as if this will excuse his continual character assassination of Barack Obama without ever - and I mean never - finding even the slightest basis of truth for his ludicrous hate-speak.
So, tune in to "The Five" and open your eyes to the very cellar of the neocon pit that Fox News has become - And in such a relatively short time. 

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