Tuesday, November 26, 2013


National Women's Law Center
 Birth Control Is Personal 
 Show your support for allowing all women to make their own decisions about birth control. 
Dear Friend,

Should the boss at a hobby store get to make his cashiers’ birth control decisions? 

What about the boss of an assembly worker at a manufacturing plant? 

How about your boss? 

The Supreme Court just announced that it will hear two cases that could decide whether your boss can make your birth control decisions for you. These cases were brought by for-profit companies that are claiming that the religious beliefs of those who own the company should dictate whether their female employees are allowed to receive health coverage that includes birth control without copays. 

Sign the pledge to say all women deserve to make their own birth control decisions — no matter where they work. 

The National Women’s Law Center will be submitting a “friend of the court” brief to the Supreme Court that lays out how birth control advances the health and rights of women. The reality is, regardless of their religious beliefs, nearly 99 percent of women use contraception at some point during their reproductive years. And currently nearly 27 million women can get free birth control without copays — a number that will increase as the health care law continues to go into effect. It's crucial that women have the ability to get affordable contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies, plan the timing and size of their families, and protect their health. 

Allowing bosses to make women’s health care decisions is a dangerous precedent that could lead to companies refusing to abide by other laws that protect their employees, such as employment protections like minimum wage or equal pay. 

Show your support by signing our pledge to say all women deserve to make their own birth control decisions, no matter where they work. 

Thank you for everything you do to protect women’s reproductive health. 

Judy Waxman Judy Waxman 
Vice President for Health and Reproductive Rights 
National Women's Law Center

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