Yesterday, when Ted Cruz got all of this media attention for starting the process to renounce his Canadian citizenship to make it clear he's a naturalized U.S. Citizen, 'cause his mother is American, he said:
1) He didn't know that he wasn't clearly an American citizen, but had dual citizenship, until the Washington Post printed that about 2 months ago and
2) His decision to renounce his Canadian Citizenship ( he was born in Canada) and make it clear that he was U.S. citizen had nothing to do with his aspirations to become President of The United States, which requires that one be an American citizen to hold the office.
Now, Cruz is a Harvard Law School grad, a practicing attorney and is reputed by many, even democrats, to be the brightest man in the U. S. Senate. Too, he has recently spent much time in the states that will have primaries or caucuses for the Republican nomination for Presidency for 2016. With this in mind, Cruz's 2 points above don't pass the smell test. But I think it goes way beyond that. The man is such a stone-cold, blatant liar- --his character totally sucks -- one wonders how such a person could be called by many the "front runner" for the nomination.
His stands on the issues would make any rational person cringe:
1) On greenhouse gases : no carbon tax. 2) Gun Control...Nada. 3) Social Security - ok to privatize 4) Immigration - people have to go back to country of origin to get legal status in U.S. 5) Cutting down is size of U.S. empire --Are you kidding! 5) Stand on gays - Well, heh, heh, they're sorta different.
Of course the guy is a demagogue of the first order: WASHINGTON, D.C., July 24, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he believes the legalization of same-sex “marriage” may lead to those who express religious objections to homosexuality being prosecuted for hate speech.
MORE on Lying: From Poilitifact:
Says Chuck Hagel’s nomination as defense secretary "has been publicly celebrated by the Iranian government." TOTAL FALSEHOOD

Says "the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control laws, almost without exception … have the highest crime rates and the highest murder rates."
Of course Cruz is one of these guys who implies that he's led by the 'holy ghost" or "the spirit" in his political decision making. Whenever you hear somebody talk like that, reach for your wallet and protect it! You know damn well that he's going to produce a bottle of snake oil that he'll call "Holy Ghost Water!" or some similar shit that comes from the American political cesspool.
What does this it say about the American political system, American culture, the American people that a man like this could be the front runner for the nomination of 1 of its 2 political parties for the presidency of the United States? I think it says it all!
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