Monday, December 9, 2013


MIININachinists Union Member Checklist and Resource Guide

As Boeing moves out of Seattle, probably to a "right-to-work" state where there are no unions, here is a bulletin that will be read by thousands of machinists.  It's got to break your heart.

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS, DISTRICT 751..........................................................

‘To Do’ Checklist Before You Get Laid-Off

Updated March 2013Attend a layoffbriefing orienta- tion. You may also attend two additional classes: Effective Resumé Writing and Interviewing Tech- niques to assist you with the job search process and to better prepare for job interviews. Registration is not required and classes are available as space and time permit.
Complete Layoff Benefit Election Form, which determines
how your Layoff Benefit will be paid. Members have two choices: income continuation or lump sum. The Union advises members to select income continuation. Do NOT select lump sum layoff benefits because this will eliminate your seniority and recall rights. If you are ever rehired and had elected the lump sum, you would start with zero seniority. Hundreds have elected this in the past thinking they would not return, only to have huge regrets when they returned to Boeing.Remember income continuation layoff benefits do not affect unemployment insurance benefits.Print out and keep a copy of your Boeing work historyand training records from TotalAccess. This is important if you ever return to Boeing or you want to prove what kind of experience/training you have to another potential employer.
Print out and retain a copy of your layoff notice. NOTE: If
you want your work history to include any layoff information, you must call TotalAccess after you are laid-off.
Meet ASAP with a Joint Programs Career Advisor to
explore training options, other jobs in the Company, and avail- able resources. Make an appointment by calling 1-800-235-3453.
Write down your password for TotalAccess. You will be
required to use it every time you call TotalAccess or log onto their website.
Redeem Pride@Boeing points or service awards priorto layoff. While these awards do not expire, you have less options after layoff (i.e. after layoff, gift cards cannot be selected).
Useful Advice
Do not select layoff benefits as lump sum because it will eliminate your seniority and recall rights. If you are ever rehired, you would have zero seniority. Others who did this regretted it later.
Income continuation layoff benefits DO NOT affect unemployment benefits.
Layoff benefits provide medical coverage for up to six months following layoff (if you elect such coverage). Dental coverage ends the last day of the month in which you are laid-off unless COBRA for dental is elected. Therefore, get any needed dental work completed immediately after receiving a WARN notice.
Members should get prescriptions filled immediately after receiving a WARN no- tice and consider switching to a mail-order program (which can provide up to a 90-day supply) in case there may be a lag in activating COBRA coverage. Keep in mind there are limitations on when your previous prescription was purchased.
Know Your Total Access PasswordWrite down your password for TotalAccess and know it before you are laid-off. You will be required to use it every time you call TotalAccess or log onto their website.
TotalAccess via web: Log on to with your BEMS ID number and your Boeing TotalAccess password.
TotalAccess by Telephone: Call Boeing TotalAccess at 1-866-473-2016. TTY/TDD service is available at 1-800-755-6363. You must have your BEMS ID number and Boeing TotalAccess password when you call. Representa- tives are available 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Central time, Monday - Friday.
Forgot your TotalAccess Password? Call 1-866-473-2016. (TTY/TDD 1-800- 755-6363). When prompted, say “Password Administration” or if using the touchtone option, press the appropriate number on your telephone keypad, and follow the instructions. It can take 5-7 business days to receive your password in the mail.

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