Monday, December 23, 2013



December 22, 2013

CIA Leak says Saudi Arabia carried out 9/11 not bin Laden

December 22, 2013. Crawford, TX. A top secret CIA report apparently documents how the Saudi Arabian government carried out the attacks on September 11, not al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden. It also proves a deliberate cover-up by President Bush who personally censored 28 pages of a Congressional report detailing the evidence. Now, two Congressmen who’ve read it are demanding it be released to the American people.
The Bush family and Saud family are longtime friends. Here, Prince Bandar visits with George W. Image courtesy of Mother Jones.
In 2002, Congress investigated the September 11 attacks on the US and released an 800-page report detailing their findings. By that time however, the Legislative Branch had already surrendered its Constitutional authority to the White House over President Bush’s demand for war and the one-man ‘War Powers’ that come with it. President Bush, for reasons never explained to Congress or the American people, single-handedly censored 28 entire pages of the 800-page Congressional report. Why?

Senators outraged, demand answers
Two US Senators were recently allowed to read the redacted 28 pages of the Congressional 9/11 report. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) have both read the Bush-censored sections and their public response was that they were “absolutely shocked” by the amount of evidence implicating one of America’s strongest allies in the attack.
As detailed by the New York Post this week, portions of some of the redacted pages have been leaked to the press. What they show is undisputable proof that a certain country - not Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan as the Bush administration has always insisted - was actually responsible for the attacks. Those attacks killed over 2,000 Americans, launched US-led wars against no less than four Middle East nations, and cost the US taxpayers enough money to send every single American for three generations to college for free.
Proving to doubters that the White House has total control over the entire Legislative Branch of government, Congressmen Jones and Lynch have been left begging the Obama administration to declassify the shocking, history-rewriting report. As the bi-partisan team of Representatives woefully concedes, they can’t even tell the American people what country it is that betrayed us and was actually behind the attacks on 9/11 without committing treason and going to prison.
In response, they’re sponsoring a new Bill that, if passed by the full Congress, would collectively beg President Obama to declassify the secret 28 pages. As is all too common these days, Congress is forbidden by the White House to share with the American people a Congressional report prepared specifically for the American people.
Was Saudi Arabia responsible for the attacks on Sept. 11?
First, we wrote that section heading in the form of a question so as not to be arrested, tortured and tried for treason, or just plain droned to death like other Americans have been. If Congress and the free press must take that precaution, then so will we. But according to numerous reports, including the above-linked article from the NY Post last week, the Saudi Arabian government was responsible for 9/11.  


The articles quote a leaked CIA memo showing that the US government has known all along that it was Saudi Arabia and not the Taliban, al Qaida, Afghanistan or Iraq that attacked America on September 11, 2001. It’s worth noting that Osama bin Laden never once took credit for the attacks on 9/11. He insisted all along that he and al Qaida had nothing to do with it.
But while Egypt was reporting bin Laden’s death from kidney failure only a couple years after the attacks, the Bush administration began releasing what many called CIA-produced confession videos from bin Laden suddenly and for the first time taking credit for the attacks. Many critics have called the videos CIA forgeries that always magically appeared only days before US elections, including President Bush’s re-election in 2004.
Read the Whiteout Press article, ‘Is Osama bin Laden really dead?’ for more information.  WELL, DUDE I READ IT AND IT'S JUST CONSPIRACY THEORY BULLSHIT.
According to the NY Post, ‘The CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.’

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