Friday, December 20, 2013


Ask the ALRB: Where's the enforcement? Are you going to allow Gerawan to be a Grinch?
On Tuesday, Dec. 17, Gerawan workers tried to deliver a giant Christmas card and our petition with more than 16,000 signatures from UFW supporters like yourself. Both of these asked Gerawan to implement the workers' contract so workers could have Christmas Day as a paid holiday as the new contract requires. Gerawan's response ... They locked the door and did not even acknowledge they were there. What a Grinch!
It's time for California's Agricultural Labor Relations Board to follow the law and force Gerawan to implement the workers' contract NOW. How long will they allow Gerawan to manipulate the law?! 
The state's Agricultural Labor Relations Board ordered the three-year contract into immediate effect on November 19, 2013, but Gerawan has refused to implement it. They are denying their workers the right to finally enjoy the benefits of union representation and hard fought improvements at their workplace. Besides including substantial wage increases, additional paid holidays -- such as Christmas Day, and other worker protections, the contract also provides retroactive pay for some of these benefits.  
"We could use this extra money they owe us in delayed benefits to have an even happier holiday season. Unfortunately, Gerawan Farming continues to deny us that right," said Guadalupe Martinez"This has caused us - Gerawan workers - the inability to benefit from a union contract, adding much stress and frustration to us and our families this holiday season."
Gerawan worker Fidel Venegas added, "Honestly they did not receive us the way they should have. They hid inside. We simply want the workers’ rights to be valued and for them to no longer continue stepping on us as they are doing. I am one of those who right now is being discriminated against. I feel very injured and abandoned. The company does not want to be held accountable and that's not fair."
Stand up for the Gerawan workers today and tell the ALRB to quit allowing Gerawan to be a Grinch. The ALRB should immediately order them to implement the contract during the appeal process. Send your email today.
After you take action, please ask your friends and family to take action too. You can send them an e-mail, post this campaign on your Facebook and/or Twitter page by clicking here or by going to:

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