Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Punk-Prayer "Virgin Mary, Put Putin Away"


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus)
Black robe, golden epaulettes
All parishioners crawl to bow
The phantom of liberty is in heaven
Gay-pride sent to Siberia in chains

The head of the KGB, their chief saint,
Leads protesters to prison under escort
In order not to offend His Holiness
Women must give birth and love

Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!
Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feminist
Become a feminist, become a feminist

(end chorus)

The Church’s praise of rotten dictators
The cross-bearer procession of black limousines
A teacher-preacher will meet you at school
Go to class - bring him money!

Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin
Bitch, better believe in God instead
The belt of the Virgin can’t replace mass-meetings
Mary, Mother of God, is with us in protest!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus)

Putin Got Scared

A rebellious column moves toward the Kremlin,
Windows explode inside FSB offices.
Bitches piss behind the red walls
Riot calls for the System’s Abortion!

Attack at dawn? Am not against it,
For our joint freedom, a whip to chastise with
Madonna to her glory will learn to fight
Feminist Magdalene go demonstrate

Revolt in Russia - the charisma of protest
Revolt in Russia – pissed on by Putin
Revolt in Russia - We Exist!
Revolt in Russia – Riot! Riot!

Take to the streets
Live on the Red
Set free the rage
Of civil anger

(loss on the square)

Discontent with the culture of male hysteria
Wild leaderism devours brains
The Orthodox religion of a hard penis
Patients are asked to accept conformity

The regime heads toward censorship of dreams
The time has come for subversive clashing
A pack of bitches from the sexist regime
Begs forgiveness of a feminist wedge.

Revolt in Russia - the charisma of protest
Revolt in Russia – Putin got scared
Revolt in Russia - We Exist!
Revolt in Russia – Riot! Riot!

Take to the streets
Live on the Red
Set free the rage
Of civil anger

“Death to Prison, Freedom to Protest”

The joyful science of occupying squares
The will to everyone’s power, without damn leaders
Direct action – the future of mankind!
LGBT, feminists, defend the nation!

Death to prison, freedom to protest

Make the cops serve freedom,
Protests bring on good weather
Occupy the square, do a peaceful takeover
Take away the guns from all the cops

Death to prison, freedom to protest

Fill the city, all the squares and streets,
There are many in Russia, beat it,
Open all the doors, take off the shoulder straps
Taste the smell of freedom together with us

Death to prison, freedom to protest


Occupy the city with a kitchen frying pan
Go out with a vacuum, get off on it,
Seduce battalions of police damsels
Naked cops rejoice in the new reforms

The fucking end to sexist putinists!

Kropotkin-vodka splashes in the bellies
You feel good, but those Kremlin bastards
Face the revolt of the toilets, fatal poisoning
Flashing lights won’t save you, Kennedy will meet you

The fucking end to informant bosses!

Caught some zzz’s, time to oppress the day
The knuckle-duster’s ready, feminism’s sharpened
Take your soup away to Eastern Siberia
So that Riot will become rough enough

The fucking end to sexist putinists!
The fucking end to sexist putinists!
The fucking end to sexist putinists!

“Raze the Pavement”

The Egyptian air is good for the lungs
Do a Tahrir on the Red Square
Spend a violent day among strong women
Look for scrap on the balcony, raze the pavement

It is never too late to become a dominatrix
The bludgeons are loaded, screams get louder,
Stretch the muscles of your arms and legs
The cop is licking you between the legs

The toilets are clean, chickens are in their civvies,
Specters of Zizek washed away in the toilets
Khimki Forest plundered, Chirikova banned from elections,
And the feminists sent home on maternity leave.

  Pussy Riot

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