Tuesday, December 10, 2013


December 10, 2013

Dear NRA:

Yesterday, on the eve of the horrible massacre of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the U.S. Senate turned down a resolution by Democrats that any sane person who cared about America's safety would have supported.   It was defeated by GOP members.  The analysis of the defeat is that the NRA opposed the measure and would have withheld financial support for Senators supporting the resolution, as well as actively campaigning against in their states come election time.

 The Senate considered an amendment to the renewal of the Undetectable Firearms act.  Democrats tried to include a provision that would prevent so-called "3-d" firearms from being able to work without having metal in them.  The weapons can be easily manufactured on a computer and are made of plastic and have no metal in them.  The provision was defeated by GOP opposition controlled by the NRA.   Below is a letter I sent to the NRA:

My friends say that the NRA is "bat shit crazy" in opposing regulations on guns manufactured with 3-d technology.  I can't find info. on NRA's web site to refute therm.  It does seem that you guys have come a long way from just protecting my right to defend myself in my home, to protecting the ability of some murderous sociopath  or terrorist to make a printed handgun out of plastic in his basement without forcing them to be unworkable through unremovable metal parts.  

These guns don't have metal and can be brought through metal detectors, airports, etc.  The police in America are very concernd about these weapons and consider them a threat to law enforcement.  So. You successfully lobbied against a bill in the Senate yesterday tha would have provided that these guns can not fire without metal in them.  Why?  Are you bat shit crazy?
You appear to support the ability of crazed Islamists and homicidal maniacs to engage in mass murder.  What is the rationale behind your opposition to the above proposal.  Again I can't find it on your web site nor in any press releases.  

Of course there is also the possibility that the leadership of the NRA are social psychopaths who are a menace to America.   What say you to these questions?


Keith F. Shirey

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