Friday, December 13, 2013


Written by Abel Rodriguez

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Wednesday, 11 December 2013
image for President Obama Greets Cuban President Raul Castro With A Chest Bump
World leaders President Obama and Raul Castro are both avid basketball fans.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Many foreign dignitaries as well as reporters attending a memorial service for President Nelson Mandela were shocked to see President Obama greet Cuban President Raul Castro with a sports type chest bump.
President Obama later commented that at first he was going to high five President Castro but at the last moment he decided that a chest bump would be more appropriate.
The president stated that both he and Castro are avid basketball fans who also enjoy getting out on the court and doing a little dribbling.
President Castro remarked the he's kind of short but so was one of the greatest basketball players of all time Bob Cousy.
Meanwhile President Obama likes to compare himself to Kobe Bryant.
SIDENOTE: After the memorial ceremony both Presidents Obama and Castro drove to a local Tacos, Tacos, and Mucho More Tacos Restaurant where they enjoyed an order of Macho Nachos and Dos Equis Beer.

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