Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Gwen Awful, on PBS' Evening News interviewed 3 people about Pope Francis' demeanor, personality and beliefs.  One of the guests tried to sanitize and trivialize the Pontiff's economic views and paint him as a moderate, square in the tradition of his church's theology.  Neither of the other guests contradicted this and Iful sat lamely by and did not challenge the guest.  So did Awful l!

Glen brags that she asks all of her own questions.  What a confession!

Awful  is a  major league screw up.  For example she never links extreme weather to climate change and has even had climate change deniers on her show.

What she should have pointed out to guest who distorted the Pope's views on economics is that, as MY FDL points out:

He condemns an  economy of exclusion; A financial system that rules rather than serves; An idolatry of money.   All of these terms very accurately describe the system in which all of us must live.  Pope Francis quite eloquently attacks it with ethical and moral arguments, and also accurately describes the scorn with which our rulers and their mouthpieces attack such criticism.

The bottom line is that the bottom line of the few takes precedence over the very real needs of the many in this system, and that the belief that untrammeled capitalism itself will somehow magically provide betterment for all is just so much pure, unadulterated bullshit. And self-serving bullshit at that.

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