Thursday, December 19, 2013



To Republicans, 'Welfare" is a Filthy WordPrintE-mail
Written by Jeff Koopersmith   
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Article Index
To Republicans, 'Welfare" is a Filthy Word
Page 2
Jeff Koopersmith takes on the Republican establishment's obsessiuon with "welfare" — and how their racialist lizard brain has created an assault on the Affordable Care Act.

Let's face it - the Grand Old Party, although attempting to peel away the Tea Party scab it is burdened by today, hasn't much of chance to stop all the insane forces Republicans and wealthy playboy industrialists turned on against the more liberally minded during the last 20 years. These factories of slime primarily include Fox News and its clones, fake newspapers that do nothing but insult Barack Obama and the office of the presidency, and hundreds of illogical and unknowledgeable talking heads - the like of Laura Ingraham and the Our "Gang" persona of Roger Ailes' Igor, Sean Hannity - who seems almost out the door as his schreechiness continues to elevate, a victim of his own lack of education and his inability to understand the complexities of society and political realities that often confound him much like the King of prevarication, Rush Limbaugh, who seems to be exhibiting oncoming Alzheimer's on his national radio show that continues to threaten the true American way and propagate the dis-education of younger Americans, already losing hope in a world fraught with terror and poverty.
The ultra-fascist wing of the Republican Party has transformed the 1970s American clam brought about by largely from terrible mistakes made by post World War II leaders who decided that the most important matters of the day were to continue imperial-type forays into Korea and Vietnam while concocting nightmares for baby-boomers ducking and covering under their little desks as they awaited nuclear destruction from the USSR.
Those who cling to Republican "values" are largely citizens who have little or nothing to lose.  Republicans are not the richest bloc in America - Democrats are - and those super-wealthy business leaders who cling to the GOP do so only for selfish reasons or to mollify their stockholders.  It is these men, and some women, who pushed "The War on Terror" after 9/11 just as it invented the Communist menace in the 1950s.  Tea Party leadership is largely under the radar, but they include ultra-right and generally tossed away old Republican players who never made the grade.
Thus, today we find ourselves living under an umbrella of economic and terrorist fear which sparked trillions of American dollars into renting armies, toppling old allies in the pacific and middle east, creating domestic and international spy colossi who spend as much time spying on Americans at home than they do on so-called enemies abroad.  All this has resulted in nothing less than a new reputation for the United States where its allies are suspicious and its self-made enemies are filled with hatred for easily-perceived hypocrisies we demonstrate today without a single thought about how our actions might be viewed by other peoples around the world.

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