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Our system of democratic government has been severely threatened and weakened by three concurrent sources that are anti-democratic. One is the growing prevalence of secrecy in government, as the above article emphasizes. The promise of more transparency in government becomes a joke when so much is over-classified, out of reach from public disclosure, prison the consequence of revealing. The over-whelming power that money has come to command in our democratic system is the second threat, which the falsely-labeled Citizens United decision has greatly increased. Money controls political campaigning, and the winners are beholden to their prime contributors, which are corporations and the most wealthy. We need public financing of elections, but that is a long way off, if ever. The third threat to democracy are changes in the public's sources of information. The main media outlets have become so polarized, so controlled by their corporate ownership, so free to disseminate bias and misinformation that the public is often reduced to basing their votes on fraud and fiction, not on fact. Why else would citizens frequently be voting against their own best interests, as has repeatedly occurred in recent years. Money, secrecy, and misinformation, antidotes are needed to a powerful triple threat to our system of democracy.
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