Bill Hessell shared your blog post on Google+
One would think that most Americans who care about the well-being of their country have had enough of outsourcing jobs, downsizing domestic industry, shrinking the middle class, expanding the wealth of the very highest income groups while seeing many Americans reduced to conditions more frequently found in second and third world nations. But apparently not the corporate brass and their plants in high government positions who are currently negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership with other nations in the Asian Pacific region. As with the previous regional trade agreements, the detrimental effect these agreements have on US employment, wage growth, production base, job security, has been considerable and repeatedly proven. The only segment of the economy clearly benefiting are the multi-national corporations, the most wealthy in our society who share in their profits, and those in government who are so willing to do the bidding of their corporate donors. This wealth does not even trickle down to the majority of the society, the economic history of the last decade makes perfectly clear that gains in our wealth are flowing only to those in the very highest income groups, while the great majority are standing still or slipping economically. Why are these trade agreements being imposed on our nation? It is all about money, capital, which is being allowed to trump the best interests of a majority of citizens and disrupt the health and smooth functioning of our domestic economic system. All for profits for the few. Many citizens protested the previous trade agreements. Their protests failed. Will they again fail, to all our detriment.
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